Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Importance of Projectors in Special Education

I feel that it is very important to have projectors in every classroom. Research in the neuroscience of learning proves that engagement is a huge piece to a successful and necessary learning environment; Click here to find out more on the "Neuroscience of Learning". We have 21st century learners, and we need to incorporate technology into teaching methods.  It is essential that students in special education use/have access to visuals for learning; specifically students with hearing impairments, low cognitive abilities, ADHD, auditory processing difficulties, and autism. Here is a list of other reasons for having projectors in every classroom:
  • ·      Helps benefit visual/auditory learners
  • ·      Attracts and holds students attention
  • ·      Offers a necessary multisensory approach for students in special education
  • ·      Makes abstract concepts more concrete for students (via visuals, videos, examples, etc.)
  • ·      Allows teachers to modify complicated information in a more engaging/easier way
  • ·      Allow students to attach meaning to concepts/lessons
  • ·      Allow students to respond more quickly and comprehend material better.
  • ·      Allows teachers to display lessons (such as reading A-Z)

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