Thursday, April 2, 2015


I'm new to the Twitter world, but I often hear that its a great place for PD. I've made it a goal to try to use Twitter more often now that I'm in this field. Karen Janowski is a well respected professional in our field, and I've learned a lot from her through classes, meetings, conferences, and various professional development opportunities. Karen leads an #ATchat on Twitter every Wednesday evening from 8-9, and I finally had a chance to attend last night! The discussion was on "AT, EdTech and UDL" and I thought it was awesome! People from all around the United States participated, and I felt that there were some great conversations, questions, and ideas. It was interesting to see how everyone runs into similar problems no matter what state they are from, but it was great to hear the different ways people educate and provide PD to assist with these problems. I'm looking forward to attending more #ATchat discussions in the future.

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